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NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) -- Scientists have claimed that patients ith diabetes, kidney disease and anemia who don't respond to treatment with an anti-anemia drug have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease or death.

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com -- A positive attitude towards life can help you combat against chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes and heart conditions.

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) -- The US Food and Drug Administration issued a recall on some of the foods of Rolf's Patisserie desserts due to food poisoning.

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) -- Experts have claimed that women with large waistline are more prone to be attacked by cancer than women who flaunts slim figure.

NEW YORK (GaeaTimes.com) -- A recent study has revealed that increased exposure of children to air pollutants can increase the risk of diabetes and obesity.
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