Tax on Sodas Proved Futile to Lose Weight

By Mayuri, Gaea News Network
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

NEW YORK ( — According to a new study there will no such profound effect by imposing a tax on soda as it might not speak loud enough to help people lose weight.

In an effort to combat the growing obesity epidemic, legislators in some states have recently contemplated charging a sugar tax on sweetened beverages such as sodas, sports drinks and fruit juices. Some estimates suggest that a 20% tax on these drinks would lower consumption by about 16%.

The effort proved useless because these taxes would simply cause many consumers to switch to other calorie-laden drinks, however, even a 40 percent tax would cut only 12.5 daily calories out of the average diet and result in a 1.3 pound weight loss per person per year. So what is to be done to reduce obesity? Should we impose tax on foods with added sugars or lower the prices of healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables and skim milk.

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