Eye Surgery

Indian boy in Australia undergoes eye surgery after being bashed in the face
MELBOURNE - A 12-year-old Indian origin boy had to undergo a surgery to reconstruct his eye socket days after he was bullied and brutally punched in the face.

HANOI - Twenty-two patients in Vietnam have contracted severe infections and some may suffer permanent sight loss due to contamination of a chemical used during surgery, officials said Thursday.

LONDON - Scientists from Moorfields Eye Hospital in London have come up with a novel treatment to correct short-sightedness in people.
Class Action Lawsuit Against TLC Lasik Surgery Centers Filed
Greenville, S.C. (Gaea Times) -- A class-action lawsuit was filed in South Carolina accusing a country-wide chain of Lasik Surgery Centers of operating on patients with certain pre-existing conditions which made them unsuitable for surgery.

NATURAL WITH TAMIL AND ENGLISH SPEECH DURATION: 1.30 SOURCE: ANI TV AND WEB RESTRICTIONS: NONE Nine lose vision after cataract surgery in India's southern Tamil Nadu.
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