RAIPUR - Forty-seven people died of malaria in Chhattisgarh between April 2010 and January 2011, the state assembly was told Monday. However, opposition Congress members said the number was much higher.
NEW DELHI - Terming as "unfortunate" the hike in service tax for air conditioned private hospitals, two such premier institutions said they were not impressed by the budget for 2011-12 presented Monday by Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee.
NEW DELHI - The prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) Monday got a budgetary hike, with Rs.1,022 crore earmarked in the union budget for the institute that caters to almost 8,000 patients every day.
NEW DELHI - India's health allocation has been hiked by 20 percent with Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee Monday announcing Rs.26,760 crore (Rs.267 million/$5.9 million) for the sector with special focus on research, insurance cover for marginal workers and medical education.
LONDON - A woman, who is set to become Britain's youngest grandmother at 29, has revealed that discovering the pregnancy of her 14-year-old daughter was her 'worst nightmare'.
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