Guidelines to improve treatment of diabetes worldwide
By ANIFriday, October 23, 2009
WASHINGTON - The International Diabetes Federation (IDF) Task Force on Clinical Guidelines has come out with new recommendations to improve the treatment of diabetes across the world.
The IDF Global Guideline on Pregnancy and Diabetes is aimed at setting a universal standard for the treatment and care of those with gestational diabetes and diabetic pregnant woman.
Dr Stephen Colagiuri, Chair of the IDF Task Force on Clinical Guidelines, said: “This is the first International Diabetes Federation Guideline on Pregnancy. It is an important issue for IDF to address because of the growing number of women this now affects worldwide.”
The IDF has also released fresh guidelines on the Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Non-Insulin Treated Type 2 Diabetes and Oral Health for People With Diabetes.
Speakin on the new strategies measures Dr Colaguiri said: “Both these guidelines cover important but often neglected areas of diabetes care.”
The IDF Oral Health for People With Diabetes Guideline proposes clinical care for diabetics and also aims to rope in oral health professionals as a part of the plan, since poor oral health can severely affect those with diabetes.
The IDF Guidelines on Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose in Non-Insulin Treated Type 2 Diabetes spells out measures for the care of people with diabetes as also makes recommendations for their doctors.
Dr Colagiuri said: “These guidelines are just a first step. In addition, IDF coordinates workshops worldwide to ensure that care for all people with diabetes is improved regardless of income level or geography.
“The mission of IDF is to promote diabetes care, prevention and a cure worldwide. By producing global diabetes guidelines, we are working diligently to fulfil that mission and to improve the lives of people with diabetes.” (ANI)
October 27, 2009: 4:49 am
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