CounselorCarol1 He is my congressman-so ashamed! RT @TexasTribune It was TX Congressman Randy Neugebauer who shouted 'baby killer'
iKasey Shame on you, Randy Neugebauer! Think about the state you're representing!
KEMattison I'm a bad person; I chuckled hard at this. RT @boburnham: I bet Texas Republican Rep. Randy Neugebauer knows some good dead baby jokes.
gamanewsteam Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) proves inconclusively with Congressional "Baby killer!" remark that all Republicans are redneck lowlifes.
SLG_kita Randy Neugebauer is an AssHole!!! Just selfish & pathetic!!!
wondermann5 The person who called Stupak a "Baby Killer" is Randy Neugebauer #hcr #healthcare #Neugebauer #texas #gop #tcot #p2
michael_epstein Republicans have a new approach to Chamber Decorum: Randy Neugebauer: Baby Killer!; Joe Wilson: You Lie!
knowtheissues Rep. Randy Neugebauer R-TX, guilty of yelling "baby killer" during Stupak comments last evening, an example of political tourettes syndrome?
Hemperhill Way to raise the level of debate Rep. Randy Neugebauer. "Texas Republican Says He Shouted 'Baby Killer"
reaganward Oh, right. Of course it was. RT @TexasTribune: It was TX Congressman Randy Neugebauer who shouted 'baby killer'
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Randy neugebauer
politics Congressman Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) was the thug on the house floor last night who yelled "baby killer" at Bart Stupack for voting yes on the Healthcare bill. He should be admonished and censored.
tehranweekly1 @octavianasrCNN Rep Randy Neugebauer [R]Texas was the one who yelled "baby killer" #hcr
tehranweekly1 @markos @symplycarma @rolandsmartin Rep Randy Neugebauer [R]Texas was the one who yelled "baby killer" #hcr
hannesroebke Tracking a "Baby Killer" From the House Floor to Twitter, Google [UPDATE] Rep. Randy Neugebauer Started the Tweet-firestorm
dksithlord @EileenLeft everybody posting that it was Randy Neugebauer(R/TX)
hardknoxfirst RT @stevekimura RT @Degringolade: Randy Neugebauer also a birther. Try to act surprised.
polymath22 Randy Neugebauer (R-Tx) Admits to Yelling 'Baby Killer'
dpkpr Lawmakers used to have duels - RT @TexasTribune: It was TX Congressman Randy Neugebauer who shouted 'baby killer'
willplasencia RT @jodmentum @mikemadden Best thing about Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-TX "baby killer" shouter His official govt URL is
egoiste Rep. Randy Neugebauer: I Shouted 'Baby Killer' at Stupak
tvd Tim Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) has acknowledged that he was the one who shouted "baby killer" as Rep. Bart Stupak was speaking on the House floor Sunday night.
littlerockar How long before @tolbertreport sends Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) a campaign contribution Better yet, will he invite him for Christmas
statesman RT @TexasTribune: It was TX Congressman Randy Neugebauer who shouted 'baby killer'
liberalviewer11 That guy Neugebauer is such a conserv, I'm pretty sure he must be a closet homosexual like Larry Craig, et al. #Randy Neugebauer #p2
pcomeau RT @HuffPolitics: ALERT: Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) revealed as 'baby killer' shouter
maggiedwyer1 RT @TexasTribune It was TX Congressman Randy Neugebauer who shouted 'baby killer' <- Why am I not surprised
edahms Eric ALERT: Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) Revealed As 'Baby Killer' Shouter (via @huffingtonpost).
polymath22 UPDATE: Rep. Randy Neugebauer of Texas says he yelled baby killer!
afcool83 RT @toddgillman: Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Lubbock, has admitted shouting "Baby Killer" on House floor last night.
capaction Randy Neugebauer IDed at the Rep who yelled "Baby Killer" #hcr