randypegues One more day in Ouagadougou's dusty heat. Great time visiting with field folks last nite. Head home today!
helenlloyd Take On Africa update: Bamako to Ouagadougou (part 2) - A Detour to Timbuktu https://shar.es/m7yZL
AmateursAfrica Our first successful hitchhike in Africa - 200km at midnight to Ouagadougou, #Burkina Faso and learnt the dangers of donkeys at night.
headtrans New CV: Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou, Pharmacists https://headtrans.net/index.php?id=27Sw9KYnHns6yqgh
AmateursAfrica Ouagadougou - probably the coolest name capital on Earth.
hrwillis12 ELC Burkina Faso: Program implementation in progress. God bless these kids!! Ouagadougou is a long way away...
Halidahanoum (wartaislam.com) Ouagadougou - Pasangan Italia, Sergio Cicala dan Filomena Kabouree yang ditahan sayap Al Qaeda di... https://bit.ly/bzTEFM
randypegues In Ouagadougou and elec finally returned at 22:45! Great meeting with strategy and logistics folks tonite.
plumbot New content added about "Ouagadougou" at https://www.plumbot.com/Ouagadougou.html
randypegues After Nairobi we're now in Ouagadougou in 100 deg heat and no elec. West Africa is a different world.
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fasoweb Les cendres du volcan islandais � Ouagadougou: