Israeli scientists find HIV cure: Journal

JERUSALEM - In a major breakthrough, Israeli scientists have developed a method that can wipe out HIV infected cells without affecting the healthy ones but it will be a while before it is available to the public, a medical journal says.

Netanyahu approves construction of Israeli emergency room over ancient graves

Israeli emergency room to be built over graves

Haifa surgeon rehabilitates Muslim man’s botched circumcised penis

JERUSALEM - A plastic surgeon is said to have helped a Muslim man whose failed circumcision left him with too little penile skin to perform his matrimonial duties, by using a technique to rehabilitate his penis.

Israeli study suggests Mozart’s music may help speed up weight gain in premature babies

Mozart’s music may help preemies gain weight

It’s never too late to exercise, says study showing survival benefits for those in their 80s

Exercise can extend survival even in ‘oldest old’

CHICAGO — Even in the “oldest old,” a little physical activity goes a long way, extending life by at least a few years for people in their mid- to late 80s, Israeli researchers found.

Israeli woman in 39th week of pregnancy dies of swine flu

JERUSALEM - A 33-year-old mother of ten children, in her 39th week of pregnancy, died in Jerusalem from swine flu, Israel’s health ministry said Monday.

Israeli lab finds Tamiflu-resistant swine flu

JERUSALEM - Israel’s Central Laboratory for Viral Infections has identified a strand of H1N1 that showed signs of resistance to the Tamiflu drug used to treat swine flu, the ministry of health said Thursday.

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