Officials: Rogue abortion doctor mistreated more patients, including woman from Canada
Abortion doc accused of mistreating more patients Correction: Abortion Doctors-Scheme story
Correction: Abortion Doctors-Scheme story BALTIMORE — In a Sept. 9 story about an abortion doctor, The Associated Press erroneously reported that the Guttmacher Institute said the abortion business can be lucrative. The Guttmacher Institute provided costs for abortions but did not say the business could be lucrative. Doctor accused of moving abortion patient across state lines has notorious reputation
Accused abortion doctor has notorious reputation Md. health officials order 2 abortion doctors to stop procedures after woman injured
2 abortion Drs. ordered to stop after Md. injury Louisiana health officials suspend abortion clinic’s license, citing health and safety risks
La. officials suspend abortion clinic’s license Medical board files complaint against Kansas doctor over referrals for late-term abortions
Kan. medical board files complaint over abortions Feds say it’s prohibited, but at least 1 state had planned to cover elective abortion
Questions over abortion in new federal health plan Spain’s law allowing unrestricted abortion goes into effect despite opposition court challenge
Spain’s unrestricted abortion law takes effect UK medical group says fetus cannot feel pain before 24 weeks; no need to change abortion law
UK report: fetus can’t feel pain before 24 weeks Leading Democratic abortion foe reaches agreement on health with White House, party leaders
Leading abortion foe reaches pact on health care Rep. Waxman: Dem leaders plan to advance health care bill over abortion foes’ objections
Waxman: No health deal with abortion opponents Split among abortion opponents widens as Catholic hospitals publicly support health care bill
Catholic hospitals support health care bill Stupak, D-Mich., voices new optimism about resolving abortion dispute in health bill debate
Stupak: Health bill abortion fight can be resolved Suspended Pa. doctor defends now-closed abortion clinic that regulators called deplorable
Suspended Pa. doctor defends abortion clinic Abortion doctor’s license suspended after Philadelphia clinic raid finds deplorable conditions
Pa. abortion doctor’s license suspended after raid Jamaica police investigate doctor accused of performing abortion on 13-year-old
Jamaican doctor accused of abortion on 13-year-old Patrick Kennedy to meet with RI bishop to discuss health care changes, abortion
Patrick Kennedy to meet RI bishop on health care African cardinals denounce ‘cultural imperialism’ in aid, trade and health careAfrican cardinals denounce “cultural imperialism” VATICAN CITY — African cardinals denounced the “cultural imperialism” of wealthy countries in their aid, trade and health care policies for Africa, saying Wednesday that the West’s promotion of abortion rights and condoms is destroying the continent’s moral fabric. Global report: abortions decline but unsafe procedures kill many women in developing worldReport: Unsafe abortions kill 70,000 annually NEW YORK — Increased contraceptive use has led to fewer abortions worldwide, but deaths from unsafe abortion remain a severe problem, killing 70,000 women a year, a research institute reported Tuesday in a major global survey. |