Cashew seed extract could help diabetics

WASHINGTON - Cashew seed extract has anti-diabetic properties, a new study has found.

The study was conducted by researchers at University of Montreal (Canada) and the Universit� de Yaounde (Cameroun).

Doctors, scientists caution people about sugar free potatoes in Lucknow

LUCKNOW - Doctors and scientists have warned diabetic patients not to consume sugar free potatoes available in markets in Lucknow, since these are just normal potatoes and can alter a patient’s sugar levels.ccording to agricultural scientists, these potatoes have been stored in calibrated conditions.It is not true that these potatoes do not contain starch as the difference is not in the process of growing them but in their storage. So it is very clear that the starch level in these potatoes are similar as the regular potatoes,” said Dr. Sanjeev, Agriculture Scientist.

Disruption in body clock genes could lead to diabetes

LONDON - A new animal study has shown that disruption of two genes that control circadian rhythms can lead to diabetes.

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